To upload Database, you have to create it online first, still on your cpanel, move down and click mysql databases, when it opens, you in the field "New Database" put your database name, click create. It will create it then, click "go back", when it opens scrowdown to "MySQL Users Add New User" to add user and passeword detail. Click create user to create it, it will be created, the click "go back" under "Add User To Database" choose the user and database you added. And click add, when it opens, set permissions by ticking"ALL PRIVILEGES" and click make change, that is all, you created database account.
To upload your database in your local machine to this newly created account, go to phpmyadmin in your cpanel "home" Under "Databeses", when it opens click on your newly created data base in your left handside. When it opens click import and use "Browse" icon to locate your database in your local machine (Note that you must have exported your Local database out of phpmyadmin) and upload to the database account, and click "GO" that is all, within few minutes all will be there.