Author Topic: Don’t let web design firms cheat you.  (Read 8072 times)

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web design firm s who boast about having their own CMS, developed in-house, should be avoided.
Developing a CMS from scratch isn't really difficult. It may be a little time consuming but not technically challenging. Second, as previously stated there are lots of established systems available and it's doubtful that even a talented in-house team could develop something as effective as the systems previously mentioned. Most companies who choose to develop their own CMS do so just to lock customers in. If you use their CMS you won't be able to move your site simply decide to change companies. This isn't the case if your web design company use an off the shelf system.
For most cases there's a website management system already built that's easy to use, secure and search friendly. Taking this approach won't lock you in to an unknown quantity and will ensure your site stays up to date as the system develops to apply new technologies. Don't get fooled by fraud web design firms offering in-house CMS. Instead, insist on a system that's widely available and efficient for your website.

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